Terminalia Catappa
Indian Almond Leaves
Natural | pH Value | Spawning | Healthy
What Is Indian Almond Tree?
Scientific name: Terminalia catappa
Family: Combretaceae
Terminalia catappa, otherwise known as Indian Almond, Tropical Almond Tree, or Java Almond, is a large tropical tree in the leadwood tree family, Combretaceae, that grows mainly in the tropical regions of Asia, Africa, and Australia. The tree grows to 35 m in height, It is deciduous with its trunk, can either be straight or twisted, often buttressed up to 3 m tall.
Various plant parts are used medicinally to treat dysentery, leprosy, coughs, jaundice, indigestion, headaches, colic, pain and numbness, fever, diarrhea, sores, skin diseases, diabetes, etc. The seeds can be either raw or cooked. It contains oil and is high in zinc content. The oil can be used in cooking and in making soap.

The leaves contain several tannins (such as punicalin, punicalagin or tercatin), saponines and phytosterols. Due to this chemical richness, the leaves (and the bark) are used in different herbal medicines for various purposes.

Tannins in the aquarium
Tannins are an essential naturally occurring compound that is found in numerous organic sources in the wild. Most oceans are going to have a long list of sources that produce these tannins, which is why fish are used to their presence.
The term Tannins refers to Tannic acid, which often enters the aquarium via driftwood or decorative leaves. Tannic acid is a natural substance and leaches from new wood or leaves after they are added to the aquarium. This happens in nature too. The brown or yellow color that tannins produce is often referred to as the ‘blackwater effect’.
Aside from the natural look that tannins produce in your water. It has some effects on your water parameters too. Tannic acid is, unsurprisingly, acidic, so it can lower your pH.
Many tropical fish originate from blackwater environments so adding tannins to create a blackwater effect on your tank makes the environment more natural for them.
Benefits of Indian Almond Leaves

Antifungal and Antibacterial
These leaves have both antibacterial and antifungal properties for fish and are able to treat a wide variety of low-grade infections. When it comes to treating fish illnesses, most common illnesses are weaker bacterial or fungal infections, such as fin rot. For the most part, this illness is easily treated with frequent water changes and some mild medication, including Indian Almond leaves. These leaves are able to treat most cases of fin rot.

Naturally Lower pH Levels
If your fish tank’s pH levels are fluctuating rapidly, this is going to have a tremendous impact on the fish and aquatic plants. As a result, you should take the time to find ways to stabilize the pH levels in your fish tank before they spiral out of control.
Indian almond leaves naturally lower the pH balance in an aquarium. Not only that, but it helps to reduce carbonate hardness, which contributes to overall pH.

Improves Water Quality
Certainly, aquatic animals evolved alongside trees growing next to them. Tree leaves falling in and decomposing will have released dozens of trace minerals that the animals will have naturally absorbed. In an aquarium these chemicals will be missing so it seems sensible to assume that adding these chemicals via blackwater will potentially restore this imbalance.
Certainly, aquatic animals evolved alongside trees growing next to them. Tree leaves falling in and decomposing will have released dozens of trace minerals that the animals will have naturally absorbed. In an aquarium these chemicals will be missing so it seems sensible to assume that adding these chemicals via blackwater will potentially restore this imbalance.

Helps Keep the Fish Healthy
Fish tend to feel easier in water with an increased amount of tannins because it mimics their natural living conditions far better than other variables. There aren’t too many things that you can add to a fish tank without ruining things. This is one of those compounds that will make a positive difference. Just add in a few leaves and you will notice a change.

Creating Hiding Spots & Protection
The dark coloration that comes with Indian almond leaf tannins can do a lot to make your fish feel safer. That slight staining helps to disperse light differently and creates a more comfortable environment for shyer fish. On top of that, the leaves themselves offer plenty of places to hide! Smaller fish and shrimp will appreciate this extra protection the most. They can quickly hide under the leaves whenever larger fish approach.

Great Source of Food
When an Indian Almond leaf starts to decompose, even after just one or two days, fish or shrimp will migrate to the leaf and spend most of their time picking at it. These leaves seem to be one of their favorite foods. Even as the leaf starts to degrade to nearly nothing, they will continue eating whatever is left down to the last morsel. Many keepers have reported higher breeding and shrimplet (baby shrimp) survival rates when they use these leaves.

Stress Reduction
They may have a harder time seeing you which can make them more comfortable. Many blackwater species are wild-caught, so they will initially only see you as a predator, which can cause excessive stress. Other movements outside of the tank can also cause stress. In a blackwater environment, they feel much more secure. The darkness around them makes them believe that predators cannot see them, and they will often venture out into open areas of the tank more frequently.

Natural medication for skin problems
It is even suggested that Indian almond leaf might be a better solution than antibiotics and other medications when fighting bacteria and fungus in commercial fish farms. In Southeast Asia, many betta keepers add an Indian almond leaf to their betta’s water because they believe that it toughens their fish’s skin and makes them better for fighting. They also use it to help a fish heal after a fight. It’s possible the tannins and flavonoids in Indian almond leaves are responsible for fish healing faster.

Good for Aquarium Plants
The plants tend to wilt after a while when the pH levels are too high and/or bacteria have spread throughout causing the water quality to drop. With the inclusion of tannins in your aquarium, the change will be worthwhile. This is why more and more people add tannins to a fish tank because it will have a positive impact immediately.

A location for fish to spawn
Many fish release their eggs (spawn) on or underneath fallen leaves. This helps hide eggs from predators or from washing away. And many fish will only spawn under certain water conditions. And the reduced pH and water hardness may be exactly what is needed to trigger your fish to spawn.