Indian Almond Leaves
BEST WAY TO CREATE TROPICAL RAINFOREST ENVIRONMENT TO THEM. – Catappa leaves help to adjust the water condition to have the pH value. And helps to add minerals as food sources And contains natural water treatment agents. Make them feel like living in their natural environment. and vitality in tropical fish. They love it!. FROM […]
18 Jan 2021Indian Almond Leaves
BEST WAY TO CREATE TROPICAL RAINFOREST ENVIRONMENT TO THEM. – Catappa leaves help to adjust the water condition to have the pH value. And helps to add minerals as food sources And contains natural water treatment agents. Make them feel like living in their natural environment. and vitality in tropical fish. They love it!. FROM […]
18 Jan 2021Indian Almond Leaves Tea Bag
BEST WAY TO CREATE TROPICAL RAINFOREST ENVIRONMENT TO THEM. – Catappa leaves help to adjust the water condition to have the pH value. And helps to add minerals as food sources And contains natural water treatment agents. Make them feel like living in their natural environment. and vitality in tropical fish. They love it!. FROM […]